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Drawing and editing functions

Functions to draw primitives on Vibes figures, group objects, modify graphics attributes and remove objects from a figure. More...



Primitive drawing functions

Functions for drawing boxes, ellipses, lines. By default, all these functions operate on the current figure. The optional agument format provides quick graphics attribute setup. Additional parameters can be provided in the optional last argument params.

void vibes::drawBox (const double &x_lb, const double &x_ub, const double &y_lb, const double &y_ub, Params params)
 Draw a 2-D box with a left lower corner at (x_lb, y_lb) and a right upper corner at (x_ub, y_ub)
void vibes::drawBox (const double &x_lb, const double &x_ub, const double &y_lb, const double &y_ub, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawBox (const std::vector< double > &bounds, Params params)
 Draw a N-D box from a list of bounds in the form (x_lb, x_ub, y_lb, y_ub, z_lb, z_ub, ...)
void vibes::drawBox (const std::vector< double > &bounds, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawEllipse (const double &cx, const double &cy, const double &a, const double &b, const double &rot, Params params)
 Draw an ellipse centered at (cx, cy), with semi-major and minor axes a and b, and rotated by rot degrees.
void vibes::drawEllipse (const double &cx, const double &cy, const double &a, const double &b, const double &rot, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawConfidenceEllipse (const double &cx, const double &cy, const double &sxx, const double &sxy, const double &syy, const double &K, Params params)
 Draw a 2-D confidence ellipse centered at (cx, cy), with covariance sxx, sxy, syy and scale K.
void vibes::drawConfidenceEllipse (const double &cx, const double &cy, const double &sxx, const double &sxy, const double &syy, const double &K, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawConfidenceEllipse (const std::vector< double > &center, const std::vector< double > &cov, const double &K, Params params)
 Draw a N-D confidence ellipse centered at center, with covariance in cov and scale K.
void vibes::drawConfidenceEllipse (const std::vector< double > &center, const std::vector< double > &cov, const double &K, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawCircle (const double &cx, const double &cy, const double &r, Params params)
 Draw a circle centered at (cx, cy), with radius r.
void vibes::drawCircle (const double &cx, const double &cy, const double &r, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawBoxes (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &bounds, Params params)
 Draw a list of N-D rectangles from a list of list of bounds in the form ((x_lb_1, x_ub_1, y_lb_1, ...), (x_lb_2, x_ub_2, y_lb_2, ...), ...)
void vibes::drawBoxes (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &bounds, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawBoxesUnion (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &bounds, Params params)
 Computes and draw the union of a list of N-D rectangles, from a list of list of bounds in the form ((x_lb_1, x_ub_1, y_lb_1, ...), (x_lb_2, x_ub_2, y_lb_2, ...), ...)
void vibes::drawBoxesUnion (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &bounds, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawLine (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &points, Params params)
 Draw a N-D line from the list of coordinates points in the form ((x_1, y_1, z_1, ...), (x_2, y_2, z_2, ...), ...)
void vibes::drawLine (const std::vector< std::vector< double > > &points, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::drawLine (const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< double > &y, Params params)
 Draw a 2-D line from the list of abscissae x and the list of ordinates y.
void vibes::drawLine (const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< double > &y, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())

Objects grouping and deletion

void vibes::newGroup (const std::string &name, Params params)
 Create a new group with the specified name.
void vibes::newGroup (const std::string &name, const std::string &format=std::string(), Params params=Params())
void vibes::clearGroup (const std::string &figureName, const std::string &groupName)
 Clear the contents of the group groupName in figure figureName.
void vibes::clearGroup (const std::string &groupName)
 Clear the contents of the group groupName in current figure.
void vibes::removeObject (const std::string &figureName, const std::string &objectName)
 Delete the named graphical object objectName from figure figureName.
void vibes::removeObject (const std::string &objectName)
 Delete the named graphical object objectName from current figure.

Object properties modification

void vibes::setObjectProperty (const std::string &figureName, const std::string &objectName, const std::string &key, const Value &value)
 Set the property key to the provided value for the named object objectName in figure figureName.
void vibes::setObjectProperty (const std::string &objectName, const std::string &key, const Value &value)
 Set the property key to the provided value for the named object objectName in current figure.
void vibes::setObjectProperties (const std::string &figureName, const std::string &objectName, const Params &properties)
 Assign properties to the named object objectName in figure figureName.
void vibes::setObjectProperties (const std::string &objectName, const Params &properties)
 Assign properties to the named object objectName in current figure.

Detailed Description

Functions to draw primitives on Vibes figures, group objects, modify graphics attributes and remove objects from a figure.